- 2048: Humanity’s Agreement To Live Together, by J. Kirk Boyd | www.bkconnection.com
- AIGA Philadelphia | www.philadelphia.aiga.org
- Aspen Network of Development Entrepreneurs (ANDE) | www.andeglobal.org
- Bay Area Discovery Museum’s Center for Childhood Creativity | www.centerforchildhoodcreativity.org
- Chemical Heritage Foundation | www.chemheritage.org
- Fiskkit | www.fiskkit.com
- Games For Health | www.gamesforhealth.org
- Health & Development International | www.hdi-us.org
- Hives for Lives | www.treehugger.com/green-food/hives-for-lives-fighting-cancer-has-never-been-sweeter.html
- La Scuola International School | www.lascuolasf.org
- MFA Design for Social Innovation @ the School of Visual Arts | www.dsi.sva.edu
- Mighty Networks | www.mightynetworks.com
- Out of Poverty, by Paul Polak | www.paulpolak.com
- Robert Wood Johnson Foundation’s Games for Health Project | www.rwjf.org
- SNV Netherlands Development Organization | www.snvworld.org
- The Lemelson Foundation | www.lemelson.org
- Textual Healing, by Eric Smith | www.textualhealing.org
- VentureWell | www.venturewell.org